USAID Papua New Guinea Peace Project featured in Post-Courier newspaper

USAID Papua New Guinea Peace Project featured in Post-Courier newspaper

The Post-Courier, a national newspaper for Papua New Guinea, recently reported on the announcement of the USAID Papua New Guinea Peace Project that Q2 Impact is implementing with the International Foundation for Electoral Systems, Conciliation Resources, and the People’s Action for Rural Development (PARD).
US Ambassador to Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu, Ann Yastistock, told the Post-Courier, “The United States is committed to empowering communities and marginalized populations to promote peace, stability, and economic prosperity.”

“The local led PEACE Project will help communities prevent and resolve conflicts through non-violent means, advance gender equality, elevate female peacebuilders, and respond to gender-base violence.”

Q2 Impact CEO and Founder Neelima Grover said, “We are honored to be initiating this award with USAID, our consortium partners International Foundation for Electoral Systems, Conciliation Resources, and the People’s Action for Rural Development (PARD) with the peoples of Papua New Guinea.”

“For 26-years, I have been focused on inclusive development with data driven solutions and am eager to share these lessons for peacebuilding in Papua New Guinea.”