Q2 Impact’s President and CEO Presents at Asian Evaluation Week in China

During the week of September 5-9, 2016, Q2 Impact’s President and CEO Jeffrey Singer participated in the 2016 Asian Evaluation Week conference in Xi’an, the People’s Republic of China. Mr. Singer presented at the conference as part of the “Evaluating Knowledge Sharing” session, helping participants understand the challenges and theoretical methods in evaluating knowledge sharing technical assistance.

The 2016 Asian Evaluation Week was co-sponsored by the People’s Republic of China, Ministry of Finance and the Asian Development Bank. It is the first such event to be held in Asia, allowing for the exchange and synthesis of ideas on the latest and practicable thinking on evaluation. The inaugural event is aimed at enhancing evidence-based decision-making to contribute to development in Asia and the Pacific region, in response to the growing attention on the use of evaluation for better results and accountability. The AEW event is expected to be repeated in the following years, becoming an annual event in bringing together international evaluation experts to discuss recent trends in evaluation thinking.

Read more about the 2016 Asian Evaluation Week event here.